Check Out Toastmasters

Robert Kiyosaki has been quoted as saying that the ability to sell is the most important skill in business. I’m going to modify that a little bit to say that the ability to influence is the most important skill in business. I joined Toastmasters more than 30...

The Times that Try Our Souls

Earlier this week, a friend of mine commented that one of the risks we face in dealing with the current COVID crisis is the risk of losing our focus. Let’s face it. The news is bad and getting worse. There is no vaccine—yet. Nevertheless, we still have to...

Six Months That Shook the World

To My Friends. There was an article in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal titled “Six Months That Shook The World.” The six months that we have just passed through have been tumultuous indeed. Independence Day is just three days away. Time to reflect....

Look for the Opportunities

Hi everyone. No doubt about it– COVID continues to be one nasty rascal. State by state, we’re beginning to go back to business, albeit in a changed world. I don’t know what’s ahead. I suppose that my crystal ball is as foggy as yours. I do know...

Keeping Our Focus

To my friends, One of the consequences of the current COVID-19 scare is loss of focus. A lot of us have had our lives and occupations put on hold while the medical community seeks ways to combat this virus. We’ve all read the news about healthcare professionals...

Rethinking Our Priorities

To my friends–If there is anything positive to come from the suffering caused by the corona virus, perhaps it will be that we have been compelled to rethink our priorities; to focus on relationships rather than accumulating more “stuff.” Here’s...