My Bridge Builder offers solutions that will enable you to worry less, live more.


Get quickly up to speed. Check out Three Types of Identity Theft.

Make sure you’re protected from three of the major types of identity theft. Read this informative, easy-to-read FREE report with valuable information from the FTC. Click here.


Get quickly up to speed. Check out Three Types of Identity Theft.

Make sure you’re protected from three of the major types of identity theft. Read this informative, easy-to-read FREE report with valuable information from the FTC. Click here.

The Internet can be a dangerous place because identity thieves steal much more than money. Everyone is vulnerable under the right circumstances, yet the language around identity crime is either dismissive, judgmental or both. Feelings of shame and guilt can overwhelm its victims. Recent information shows that 16% of identity crime victims have considered suicide because of what has happened to them. It’s that bad! For more information and greater perspective, please click here.

We have powerful tools for your protection.

Legal problems are a part of life, but that doesn’t make dealing with them any easier. LegalShield, established in 1972, is one of the first companies in the U.S. to enable consumers to more easily take care of the legal needs of their businesses and families. Learn more.

IDShield gives you power in the fight against identity theft. The Internet can be a dangerous place because identity thieves steal more than money, and the consequences of having your personal information stolen are much broader than you may think. Learn more.

Defend your business with proactive cyber security designed to help prevent cyber
attacks. Get a FREE cyber risk evaluation today! Request a personalized demonstration here.

Legal problems are a part of life, but that doesn’t make dealing with them any easier. LegalShield, established in 1972, is one of the first companies in the U.S. to enable consumers to more easily take care of the legal needs of their businesses and families. Learn more.

IDShield gives you power in the fight against identity theft. The Internet can be a dangerous place because identity thieves steal more than money, and the consequences of having your personal information stolen are much broader than you may think. Learn more.

Defend your business with proactive cyber security designed to help prevent cyber attacks. Get a FREE cyber risk evaluation today! Request a personalized demonstration here.

16% of ID theft victims consider suicide. It’s that bad.

Here are some numbers to put it in greater perspective.

1. Cybercriminals see smaller businesses as more lucrative targets than large businesses for a number of reasons.

They are easier to access and have fewer security protections, and attacking many small or midsize businesses at once presents the opportunity to receive significant financial gain without much media or law enforcement attention.


2. Only 17% of small businesses have cyber insurance.

64% of small businesses are unfamiliar with cyber insurance.

3. 47% of businesses that have less than 50 employees don't allocate any funds toward cybersecurity.

36% of small businesses have no concern whatsoever about cyberattacks. Another 59% of small business owners who have no cybersecurity believe that their company is too small to be targeted.

4. In 80% of all hacking cases, compromised credentials or passwords are to blame.

One-third of small businesses depend on free cybersecurity solutions meant for individual consumers rather than businesses.

5. Social engineering affects small businesses

Social engineering attacks are 350% more common for employees of small businesses than at larger businesses.

6. Small businesses are the most likely to receive malicious emails targeting them at a rate of one in 323.

That may not sound like a lot, but when you consider that the average person working in an office receives 121 emails per day, it’s a pretty high number.

7. It's all about the money

70% of data breaches in 2021 were motivated by money, while only a tiny fraction was done for espionage purposes.

8. Cybercrime is on the rise.

The next two years are due to see a 15% increase in cybercrime with costs estimated to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025. 

The number of attacks is massive.

In 2020, small businesses faced over 700,000 attacks which caused a total of $2.8 billion in damages.

10. It's projected to get worse.

With an estimate for high cybercrime costs projected for future years, it is highly recommended that owners of small businesses take appropriate security measures such as: (1) implementing proper access control measures such as multi-factor access and strong passwords; (2) conducting regular vulnerability scans and pentests; (3) using strong anti-malware programs and maintaining firewalls.

Mark has been advising and working with a diverse array of clients and friends over a long career. Below, a small sample expresses their appreciation.

“I’ve had the privilege, honor and pleasure of knowing Mark Holland for many years now. His integrity, spirit and giving nature have always been a true blessing. I love his honesty in his dealings with his “fellow human beings” and it shows in all he does. He’s been a great friend/mentor and guide in many facets of my life and with as busy as he’s ALWAYS been, whether as a Financial Planning, Legal Shield advisor or as an unmatched educator, I’m blessed that he’s always made time for me. And also, I feel grateful that he’s comfortable enough with me, that he’s never afraid to ask questions/opinions or share what’s happening in his world for the betterment of others. I’ve had many discussions with him on a myriad of subjects and his knowledge is great, but his giving heart and nature are even bigger and better. I enjoy being around him and I know others feel the exact same way as me. Cheers to him, his family and all those fortunate enough to have him touch their lives. Thanks for allowing me to recommend him in all he does and who he is . . . truly a gift in mine and other’s lives.”

Michael Perlman, Director of Business Growth, JAN-PRO of Utah/SaniGLAZE

“Mark Holland solidly shows up with integrity, persistence, and true concern for others. I’ve known him for several years, and he is consistent in those traits at every level. He offers business owners valuable insights on how to grow their businesses, while also protecting their investments of time and money. Whenever I call Mark, he steps up to help. Thank you!”

Erika Wiggins, Associate Broker, Keller Williams Real Estate

“Mark is a wonderful mentor, a valued business colleague and an incredible source of wisdom and information. He never ceases to amaze with his experience, advice and assistance. He has advanced my career with introductions to people and organizations. He is a delightful person.”

Ellen Reddick, President of Impact Factory Utah


“Mark Holland is an innovative and talented teacher. His background in law and ethics inform his instruction and make his teaching interesting and practical for all students regardless of their background and goals. I have had the privilege of working with him and consistently found him to be developing classes that are intellectually challenging and rewarding. He works tirelessly to ensure that his students develop the most current and stimulating insights possible into the interplay between ethics, business law and public policy.”

Frank Shaw, Colleague and Friend


“It’s been my pleasure to work with Mark. He is a man of kindness and integrity, driven by a genuine desire to help anyone fortunate enough to intersect with his path. With Mark Holland, you will get his best effort, and a lasting friendship.”

Jim Hayes, Ha! Yes! Graphic Design

“I have worked with Mark Holland for nearly two decades in both his role in financial services and as an educator. He has asked me to consult with a number of his clients and to teach classes to his students. In all instances I have found Mark to display the highest degree of integrity and professionalism in his interactions. What that means is that he always places the interests of his clients ahead of his own and he has extensive education so that he can offer the best possible advice to his clients and students. If questions arise that he is not fully briefed on, he invites other professionals in to make sure that the client’s needs are fully served. Beyond his professionalism, Mark is a kind and generous person who thoughtfully sends out handwritten cards on important events in the lives of clients and friends. I have been the recipient of many of those cards, and it always brightens my day. I am pleased to have Mark as one of my associates.”

Jerry Borrowman, CLU, ChFC, MSFS

“I have known Mark for over eight years. First a valued client, when we had the chance to meet I had an immediate connection, knowing instantly his values and business sense fell in line with mine. He truly cares about his clients! He has a genuine interest in helping people gain the knowledge to not only take care of their clients but help them learn techniques to grow and flourish, both personal and professionally. Then came the friendship, which is valued even more! I would, have and will always continue to refer everyone to Mark. For his business sense, what he stands for and what he does. The attention to detail he shares with others is incredible.”

Becky Holland, Integrity Retention Solutions, Inc.

“I have known Mark for many years he has a very strong and ethical character. Mark is a money managing guru. He treats his friends and clients well. Mark is very knowledgeable and truly wants people to succeed. He helps businesses and individuals maximize their potential with their finances. I highly recommend working with Mark.”

Jim Hawks, Hawkart Design Services

“Mark has so many tools that can help business owners or managers. His knowledge of BANK Code is great and he really explains it in a way that helps sales and sales managers to understand how it works and they quickly can adapt their sales style to talk to others in their verbal language. I recommend Mark Holland.”

Boyd Petersen, BPMedia

“I have always found Mark Holland to be a man of personal integrity, thoughtful scholarship, open to differing ideas, and above all kind. He is indeed a Bridge Builder!”

Margaret Edwards, Esq.